10 products that can help anxiety

We all experience anxiety from time to time.  The demands and stress of life means there is lots to worry about – our health, work, money worries, what other people think, relationships — when it comes to stress, no one gets through life unscathed. Talking to a counsellor will help you identify and build up a repertoire or toolbox of healthy coping mechanisms. But what if you don’t have the time or money to invest in therapy? What else can help reduce your anxiety?

Like many other human conditions anxiety has become a multi million pound industry. Can buying stuff actually help you to feel less anxious or is it all a big waste of money?  I pick out some of my top products that can help to boost mood. Just to make clear that I am not affiliated with any of the companies or products.  

1. CBD Oil

CBD – also known as cannabidiol – has taken the market by storm over the last few years with all sorts of products from food, sprays, cosmetics, soaps, and tea. I discovered CBD oil after a family bereavement. I was desperate for the pain to be anaesthetised in some way. CBD gave me a settled feeling inside. It feels calming and relaxing, and since there’s no THC (the ingredient in Cannabis that gets you stoned) you only get the positive benefits and not the “high.” It is totally legal in the UK and does not impair cognitive functioning.

2. Humidifier with lavender essential oil

The ultrasonic mist humidifier atomises water into fine particles and fills the air with  moisture. In winter or a dry place, the cool mist fills the room, preventing dry skin, smelly air and cracked skin, relieving cough, sore throat and blocking the unpleasant feeling of the nose.  Lavender oil is a popular aromatherapy choice for sleep and relaxation. Putting a few drops of essential oil into your humidifier to diffuse throughout your room or home can promote a feeling of relaxation. My humidifier also changes between soft pastal colour which is relaxing.

3. Acupuncture spiky massage mat

We carry anxiety in our body. Using an acupuncture mat, which is covered in shallow spikes sometimes plastic or metal such as zinc, copper, iron or nickel, can provide a natural form of pain relief, as the small spikes promote endorphins. The spikes are designed to stimulate acupuncture points, energy points and nerve channels. Research is being undertaken to look at how the use of such mats can reduce blood pressure and improve sleep.

4. Mindfulness Cards: Simple practices for everyday life

These Mindfulness Cards are a deck of colourful cards that each contain an inspirational quote or phrase to keep you mindful and inspired throughout the day. They also have a mindfulness exercise on the reverse side so you have something concrete to do as an action step. They were put together by Rohan Gunatillake  ho is he creator of my favourite mindfulness app ”Buddhify.”

5.  Bracelet that diffuses your favourite essential oil

A diffuser bracelet is a piece of jewellery made of either lava beads, glass beads or a small pocket to contain essential oils which diffuse naturally and scent your skin and clothes for a couple of hours. The diffuser bracelet is a quick and easy way of enjoying aromatherapy whilst on the move. Essential oils that are good for anxiety include lavender, rose, ylang ylang, bergamot and jasmine.

6. Weighted blanket

Weighted blankets are a soothing and comforting way to relieve anxiety and sleeplessness. They are like regular blanket but with little pellets sewn in to give the blanket a little bit of weight. People describe it like having a hug, massage or being back in the womb. If you don’t let to feel hot at night there are lighter blankets for cold sleepers.

7. Adult colouring in books

The adult colouring book craze has therapeutic mental health benefits. It can induce a meditative or mindful state that changes brain wave activity in the amygdala (the part of the brain that is responsible for emotional regulation, survival instinct and memory).  Psychology researchers at the University of Otago in New Zealand have found as little as 10 minutes a day can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. I like to colour in with Sharpie pens for the best effect.

8. The Art of breathing book by Dr. Danny Penman

This is a beautifully illustrated, simple, small book introducing breath as a tool to deal with life’s struggles. With these simple exercises he teaches you how to dissolve anxiety, stress, and unhappiness, enhance your mind, and unleash your creativity.

9. Chewable pen or pencil toppers

Chewing is one of our favourite filters for reducing anxiety and reducing sensory overload. Chewing can also help focus.  Chewable pen toppers are non toxic, latex free, BPA-free silicone toppers that are satisfying and more sanitary to chew.

10. Lavender scented eye mask

Eye masks can relieve puffy eyes, dark circles, migraines, and promote better sleep. When filled with the natural scent of lavender they can alleviate stress, tension, migraines and anxiety. You can put eye masks in the fridge if you want a cooling effect or in the microwave if you want a warming effect.

Let me know what your favourite products are in helping you to feel more relaxed.

Nicola Strudley