20 things you can do if you are having a bad day  

We all have the odd bad day and that’s okay. Did you know that your behaviour can influence how you feel? Here is a list of 20 things that you can do to create a change in your mood.

1. Give thanks. You may be feeling really rubbish but acknowledge the one or two things that have made your day that tiny bit better. Gratitude cultivates a positive mindset.

2. Inject colour. Grab something colourful – a notebook, scarf, wear colourful socks or tie. Colour can lift your mood.

3. Get outside and go for a walk or a run. Exercise gets your endorphins going: dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabinoid - these are all brain chemicals associated with feeling happy, confident, capable and less anxious.

4. Have a cuppa the mindful way. Savour the smell, the first sip, the warmth as it enters your body.

5. Look at cute animal pictures.    A significant proportion of our brain and our emotions are attached to processing what we see. It might seem frivolous but evidence suggests that viewing things that are nice make us feel good.

6. Create a playlist. Different types of music can make us feel happy. It might be that 90’s happy hardcore gets your bopping, Disney classics, sounds of nature or rock. Sing along to your favourite tunes and see if your mood lifts.

7. Write & rip up. For one minute pour your thoughts out onto a piece of paper, don’t worry about how illegible your handwriting is or if you use rude words – when the time is up rip the page into tiny pieces and chuck in the bin.

8. Hug a tree. Trees emit a type of substabce called phytoncides that help protect them from bacteria and fungus. This natural airbourn chemical is proven to have positive effect on the human immune system, making us feel calmer and happier.

9. Sing. Singing releases feel good hormones. It's also an aerobic activity, meaning it gets more oxygen into the blood for better circulation, which tends to promote a good mood.

10.  Talk to yourself like you would a friend. We all have an inner critic who is intent on making us feel bad, mine is called Moaning Myrtle. Silence your critic by saying something kind to yourself.

11.  Look for shapes in the clouds.  Repeating patterns in nature are called fractals and known to be soothing.

12. Pray. Whether you believe in God, Jedi Knights or some other deity believing in something greater than this world can bring comfort, especially in dark times.

13. Do a random act of kindness.  Doing something for someone else not only gives them a boost in mood but it will also make you feel good too.

14. Do the 30 Days Wild challenge. Every year the Wildlife Trusts campaign encourages people to do random acts of wildness connecting with nature.

15.  Meditate. Meditation is proved to reduce your stress and make you happier and calmer

16. Jump up and down on your bed. Do it! I promise you will feel better.

17. Give one thing away. Clutter can take its toll on your mental health and even end up as being a health hazard. Once you get through the initial reluctance, decluttering your space is a form of physical release, empowering you to feel more in control.

18. Talk to a stranger. It might be somebody you pass whilst walking, the person on the checkout till, someone at the bus stop or in the lift. Whilst you might be reluctant, talking to strangers is scientifically proven to make you feel happier.

19. Breath deeply. Just a few deep breaths in and out can make a difference, nice and slow, talking time to pause. This will calm down your nervous system and put you into a more restful state.

20. Just sit down. Wherever you are just sit in silence for a while, let nature come to yu, you will begin to feel nature, stillness and time passing.

Nicola Strudley